Damn, the time is running so fast, It's seems yesterday that I just had my baby iff, but now she is nearly nine months. Man! I still can believe that I'm a father now, but all my good buddies are in the same category now. hehe.. (we're in the same age group and now our children is in the same age group(It's destiny by Al-Mighty)). Now my little princess have shown a lot of developments. She can crawled, but like a soldier ready to ambush the enemy, she can stand-up by holding to something, she can babbling by her self, she can play by herself(taking out the toys from her box), she can call others by saying "hei", she can eat her baby biscuits by herself, she can throw things, she can eat everything ; clothes,papers,magazines,thumbs,hand phones, tv remote, my wife spectacle, her diaper (of course clean the clean one hehe..), she also afraid of the strangers but ones others don't bother her-she will talk out loud, Last nite she have learn to wave good bye and saying ba-bah(or something sound like bye-bye)! Most of all rite now she is so clinging with my beloved wife, my wife cant be out of her her sight, she will cried out-loud like there is no tomorrow and then when she is in my wife hand,she can stop crying so sudden. The most important thing is that she can throw the sweetest smile ever. So sweet! May be thats way Allah created human in pairs, so we can get married and have the babies that so cute (still missing my baby's smile) . So to my beautiful wife," Lets have a lots a babies!". hehe... Enjoi!
Life is short, play and pray a lots,lots more!
Misi Miza Mencari ILMU
8 years ago