The zionist is out of their mind, killing all the babies, children, man and woman. And the israelis just celebrating the bombing as watching the fireworks.Damn, what are they thinking? where is the sympathy and love to the life it self? They just react as they are the victims, but they the one who terrorize the other country.Just look at the palestine occupation by the israel, they start as small occupation,and now they have controlled majority of the land.
The palestine is the most needed land for the three religions, Islam, christian and Jewish.It were where some important history happens(the births place of few prophets).
As extract from the Yahoo! news,"Medical officials said the Palestinian death toll in the offensive Israel began 17 days ago had risen past
900 and included at least
380 civilians. Israel says three Israeli civilians, hit by Hamas rockets, and 10 soldiers have died".And some of the westerner still think that the palestine is the main culprit for the war(idiot!).
The world news,such as CNN, is not showing the reality of the war.I also have try to search the war images from the getty image amd yahoo!image, but the resuls is quite suprising, all the images are not showing the real part of the palestine casualities, they seems only showing a few dead bodies,not even the babies and children casualities!
As for bombing, they try to level it with the Hamas bombs into the isreal part, which is not comparable to the damage what they have done to palestine,they even destroyed a masjid.
As form the Hamas bombing,the isrealis just get a shock for the bombing,and they not even die due to shock. This is only showing that the Hamas is still fighting the resistance of the force occupation by the IDF (israel defence force).What the IDF have done is the holocust of the palestine people.
As for all muslim in the world, let's us pray to the All Mighty, Allah, for the protection of the palestine, the victory for the muslim fighter against the kafir! InsyaAllah.
Another small part that we can do, is by boycotting all the products that have connection with the Israel.Such as TESCO (of course the price is cheaper,but it is another tactic of israel to kill others small shop), coca-cola (just drink plain water which is healthier), colgate (swap it for muslim),levis (just buy it at bundle or the clone, it is cheaper),all kind of nestle products(swap milo to vico, nescafe to mai secawan),mcdonald and etc (i'm sure everybody have the list that have been emailed).
Some said that if we boycott all these brands, what will happen to those who works at those factorys.Well, on the other hand, if we didn't start it now,when we'll have the says, that we matter.This is an important time for us the start thinking to produce our own products,muslim products. How long do we wan't to depend to others(israel and USA).As for the technology,we still depend to the westerns,for example the intel processer, which I'm using rite now.They have their main Research and Development in Israel,why they are not in US itself?.From my personal thinking, I think that the main idea is to have all the technology development maintain among themselve, not to others,especially to muslim. Now intel is producing the 45nm transistor and will be launching the 32nm transistor soon.As the transistor goes smaller, the faster it will be and more complex the circuits will become. So whose is having the technology?. We are just the user not the producer. All the semiconductor factories in Malaysia,are more into the packaging and desiging, not the main fabriaction parts. We as muslim country still not mastering the technology as compared to the small neighbouring Singapore.We still have along way to go!
As for the Local RnD, our Government (some leading men) is still not understand where we are heading to.
Who has the last laugh!
please read this

Let's get more knowldege!
Al-Fatihah to the victims!
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