Last nite we when to the Annexe gallery for the kl photo awards 2009-photo finalist exibition.
The results are as expected, my wife didn't make it.hehe.. But still her photo is listed as the finalist from 500 entries. The gallery was filled with a bunch of arty guys, except us.hehehehe... may be from now on, we should attend more art functions. We meet a few of the cool, humble,arty photographers at gallery.
The picture of Farisya look very nice hanging on the wall. I'm very proud of my beloved wife for her achievement. Milin, congrats! This is it!!
As for the peoples choice, Milin got listed at number 6. Many thanks for the cool, hot voters.(You know who you are!)
The result for people's choice.

Our group:
1. Amilin Zainur
2. Me
3. Zeda
4. Aziz
5. Siew Kay
6. Siew Kay's other half
P/S: Thanks to Aziz,Siew Kay and friend for the company.The evening would be different without you guys!