Pew! It's a long break from the blog writing.I must admit that I'm a lazy guy.hehe.. check the date for the last posting.
I should keep on posting,at least a post per week.hehe.. ( a new resolution)
Just for some family up dating,my lovely daughter, iffah is 2years and 7months old.peh!how fast time has past by. My wife had a miscarriage in march.Just not our "rezeki" yet.InsyaAllah some other time.
For the past months, we just doing the normal routine of ourlife, sleep, work, school,play,shopping,pray,eating..everything is normal. I really need some different things to do,such as painting,reading, and start a small business???. Talk about business, my wife just turn her passion into a freelance business. Just for some info (advert), my wife start to take pics during her uni day(which we attend together), using SLR nikon F60 for the University's paper (her ambition during that time was photo journalist..hehe).So time flies, we get married, having iffah, so she started taking pics of her(believe me there are thousand pics of her), we borrowed her sister DSLR, olympus e500. Then we bougth Nikon D80 kits plus the flash,damn that time it cost a lot,now just rm 2500 for the body.Then she started to taking family pics,toddler,newborn, babies and a couple of close friends wedding.As for me I'm just the prop man/2nd photographer/art director...haha...some time model,but the most famous model is of course -Iffah.
Way to Go to my lovely wife!
p/s : here the link to my wife blog :http://picturendream.blogspot.com/
the link has changed to :http://capturedbymilin.blogspot.com/
1 comment:
all the best dude...new year resolution!!!! hep hep horrey!!!
but...painting? its kinda weird ...huhuhu whutever!!!
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