"Mummy, tomorrow no school?", yeah that's our little iffah fav words every morning before she when to her nursery.(of course after a series of crying..)
First she will try to cry out loud then she will try another trick.
She has too many tricks under her sleeve.
Some of her tricks:
1. I want mimilk
2. I don't want to bath.
3. I want to go out.
4. I want bread with kaya and butter first.
5. I want roti canai.
6. I want to paint.
7. I want to watch cartoon.
8. I want to play balls.
9. I want to buy kuih with mummy.
One day,my wife asked her why she don't want to go to nursery, she said a boy hits her. Yeah,may be that happen, but kids always hit each others after quite some time,( we still can blame the TV..hehe..). Then the teacher told my wife that Iffah didn't enjoy too many kids around her,she just love to play with her new close friends.
Once a while, I will fetched iffah from the nursery, she just playing inside the nursery not outside with all kids. Maybe during that time she had the toys all by herself.hehe...
List of her new friends at the nursery:
1. Amoi
2. Kak YinYin.
3. Adif
4. Sayah??
5. Danish
The funny thing is, after all the crying in the morning. Once she enter the nursery she will be fine,no crying at all....(may be she's thinking she'll try harder tomorrow).
1 comment:
cute nya :)
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