Thursday, September 03, 2009

13 ramadhan 1430

time is moving so fast.
13 ramadhan already, wah so fast lar.

There is one funny memory about fasting. It's happen in ramadhan 1428. As for info, all my neighbours are chinese families.the left side the right side and in the front.
They are really good neighbours.For example, when we 'sidai' the clothes and then we went outing-the neighbour will help to pull the clothes hanger under the porch if it raining. We also do our part if they are not home. Whata cool neighbours that we have. Thank God.
So back to the story. It happen when our neighbour(left side) just had their first baby(it's a boy). So we went to their house for a visit- it during ramadhan-mind you-so they give us can drink for tapau. We brought iffah along at that time- so they gave her vitagen, I just simply took the straw and put it into the drink, so iffah just drink it. then the neighbour's mother asked," budak kecik talak puasa ka?". Miln," just simply said, " little ones don't need to fast yet."
Then after the talk-talk, we went back to our house. It was quite funny incident.
Early this year our neighbour father passed away due to some bone cancer- we remembered him as a friendly man- he used to give us some durians and bananas whenever they came back from kampung in perak.

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