Monday, November 01, 2010


Friday, October 29, 2010

another classic

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

couples of shoes

we human never satisfied.....

A Classic indeed!

 a citroen DS 1972. where to find in malaysia?

Monday, August 02, 2010

Hukum Penglibatan Orang Islam Dalam Aktiviti Candlelight Vigil


Hukum Penglibatan Orang Islam Dalam Aktiviti Candlelight Vigil


Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-88 yang bersidang pada 2 Oktober 2009 telah membincangkan Hukum Penglibatan Orang Islam Dalam Aktiviti Candlelight Vigil. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:

1.Islam melarang umatnya daripada terlibat dalam apa jua amalan yang bersifat ritual atau upacara agama bukan Islam.

2.Umat Islam dilarang menyertai aktiviti Candlelight Vigil kerana ia mengandungi unsur-unsur tasyabbuh dengan agama bukan Islam yang akan menjejaskan akidah umat Islam.


1.Di dalam Islam, cahaya atau api yang dihasilkan oleh lilin dan selainnya tidak memberi apa-apa pengertian berkaitan aqidah dan kepercayaan. Cahaya atau api hanya merupakan satu alat yang dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT bagi memudahkan urusan kehidupan manusia. Bagaimanapun, api atau cahaya menjadi satu perkara yang amat signifikan bagi agama-agama bukan Islam terutamanya bagi agama majoriti di negara ini iaitu Kristian, Hindu dan Buddha. Amalan Candlelight Vigil khasnya atau kuasa cahaya atau api amnya mempunyai perkaitan langsung dengan ketiga-tiga agama tersebut.

2.Upacara berhimpun di suatu tempat dengan membakar lilin sebagai tanda protes adalah menyerupai amalan agama orang bukan Islam. Hukum Islam jelas melarang umatnya meniru atau menyerupai budaya dan cara hidup orang bukan Islam. Ini berdasarkan sebuah hadith Rasulullah S.A.W. dalam Mausu’ah al-Sunnah, al-Kutub al-Sittah Sahih Muslim: Kitab Al-Aqdiyyah, Hadis ke-18, m.s. 1343 yang bermaksud:

“Sesungguhnya Rasulullah S.A.W. telah bersabda: Barangsiapa yang mengamalkan perkara yang bukan dari pada amalan kami maka ia adalah tertolak”. (Riwayat Muslim)

3.Rasulullah S.A.W turut melarang umatnya daripada melakukan sesuatu perkara yang bukan datangnya dari urusan agama, sepertimana disebutkan di dalam Mausu’ah al-Sunnah, al-Kutub al-Sittah Sahih Muslim: Kitab Al-Aqdiyyah, Hadis ke-17, m.s. 1343 yang bermaksud:

“Telah diberitakan kepada kami oleh Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin al-Subhi dan Abdullah bin Aun al-Hilali kesemua daripada Ibrahim bin Sa’ad telah berkata Ibn al-Subhi, diceritakan kepada Ibrahim bin Sa’ad bin Ibrahim bin Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, diberitakan kepada kami oleh ayahku daripada al-Qasim bin Muhammad daripda Aisyah berkata; Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda “Sesiapa yang mengada-adakan (mereka-reka) perkara yang baru dalam urusan kami dan perkara tersebut bukan tergolong di dalamnya maka ia adalah tertolak”. (Riwayat Muslim)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

weight loss

You want to make money?
Create a supplement food such as fibre drink-mixed of vegetables and fruits- and sell it as a weight loss formula. The reality is you must have a strict diet and exercises. Just look at the bottle instruction.
There are so many brands of weight loss supplement in our local market.
Just search the world wide web and look for weight loss.
You just need to exercises, hit the gym, jog or others cardio exercises.
Cut your meal amount intake, brake the meal into six small portions.Don't eat after 8.00pm.
Drink a lot of  water. Plain water would be nice.
As for me, I'm  trying to loose some the weight, be and feeling healthy.
Just try to go to the gym once a week.But to lazy to run.To follow the eating order of six is in process,damn difficult.hehe...The only different is that, I can do the chin-up for 6 times now, yeah! I can pull-up my body weight. Before only manage  one pull-up with difficulty of course.

Alhamdulillah, the ramadhan is coming, now the stomach can have a rest for a month during the day.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thursday, July 01, 2010

why no update? huh!

It's quite some time from the last posting.
Why I'm not so comitted?
Damn lazy...

How to pick it up?
list the 'to do list'..

1. Iffah had a new hair cut(pic).
2. Sarah learned how to roll over(pic).
3. Need to clean the wardrobe, letgo all the unneeded clothes to the needed.
4. Had a nice reunion with old frens from uni time. Totally kick ass!(pic)
5. My friend opened a cool gallery.(pic)
6. World cup-not totally into it. Well, France is totally idiot.
7. Panji trip was awesome.(pic)
8. Need to hit the gym frequently.weight loss...
9. Life is great! Alhamdulillah.

Damn it! poslaju sucks! for not sending my vespa road tax.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

wonder ful!

When we were born, the heart start to beat until we are dead. Who control the heart? the heart can't be control by our brain.

Subhana Allah!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

viva palestina!

Why they must be stop at the international water????
What is the rest of the world do?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

lazy Saturday...

Milin have a birthday party shooting in Kajang. Iffah and me accompanies her.
Iffah happily eating the cupcake and cendol there, until Milin said, " iffah there's  will be clown here".
Iffah suddenly wanted to get out from there. She started to cry.
Me and iffah had to go to Secret Recipe, Iffah wanted a cake. Chocolate banana and smarties icecream.
We went there at 4.30pm ,the Secret Recipe have a tea time promotion, free a cup of tea  or coffee with a slice of cake. Of course a tea for me. Yeah! we hangout there until 5.30 pm. Playing guessing game and clowning around at that plece. Iffah saw some ladies coming for the their wedding cake. I asked her which one of them is getting married. She said the lady in blue shirt. I asked her why, She too shy to answer. And I just noticed that lady is the hard feeling.
Then we headed to PKNS, bagi for some adidas window shopping. Arggh, there was a range of adidas vespa and nizza collection. Iffah fancied a pair of adidas track suit, but no stock for her size. Lucky me!
 So we went to look for a pair of pink track suit. Find one, purple and with thre pink stripes, not and an adidas, but the design is ok and approval from Iffah.
On the way to fetched Milin, she's slept.

Conclusion: Iffah still afraid of clown and she still love pink.
                  ... and I missed the lovely laksam at the party.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fancy a pair of vans?

Last time it was very difficult to get a pair of Vans shoe. Either you order it from US or find it at the bundle shop.
Now you guys can happily headed to the OU and Sunway Piramid,because they have opened their outlet there. You guys also can get the limited edition of vans shoe at the Solewhat shop in midvalley or Sungei wang plaza.
And aslo at the Stadium in KLCC.
Still there are cheaper imitate version of Vans slip-on.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


  A nice classic gshock watch! and it's mine, let's go skate!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

fancy a vespa?

shopping on line.

Shoping online.
1. It's really easy,but must come from realiable source.
2. When you want to buy shoe, please make sure your right size,go try at the shop first. but please be kind to the shop assitant,they human too.
3.Try to find the price is including the postage. The postage is expensive.
4.You can find the limited version of your needed, beware of china imitation.
5.Use paypal for safety reason. But in Malaysia , we trust in good deeds, can bank-in first.
6.Look at the rating given by others buyer-ebay, but mudah don't have.
7.Compare the retails price first. Never buy retails.
8.Keep on searching for the lowest price. You can even try to nego the price.
9.Better to buy online nowadays-H1N1 is still around.
10. Go google your stuff! Then you even can start to sell your stuff on line.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

anti luxury (look closer)

wonder milk and i wonder how they got they name???

We went there today,after going to the taman tun park, which I don't know the name. It's a cool place to hang out and to be seen.hahaha! but we just tapau. not cool....:)

Friday, May 21, 2010

I just want relax!

Who need rolex anyway! Just Relax!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Sunday, May 16, 2010


i LOVE Vespa!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


My skate and scooter buddies in Kota Bharu, Kelantan.From left: Jeran, Kerol, me and Jakpa. Taken by Duan. During that time, we are so into skateboarding, We always skate in the evening at the Padang Bank. And once a while we'll skate in the morning on the Friday, because all the shop were closed on Friday.
We also into scootering, first Duan bought a vespa super 150, then everybody start to amazed with it. Slowy each of us started to buy a vespa, there were like five vespas( Wan, Jakpa, Ijie, Jeran and me).
ARRgh! really missed that time!

Friday, May 14, 2010

7 Things to Stop Doing Now on Facebook

Who don't have facebook? some spend hours on it, updating, checking others, massaging and chatting.  it's great because we can keep in touch with our primary school mate that we lost for ages. But we still need to be careful while using it. I found a good article to share.
As copied from consumer reports mag.

Using a Weak Password
Avoid simple names or words you can find in a dictionary, even with numbers tacked on the end. Instead, mix upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. A password should have at least eight characters. One good technique is to insert numbers or symbols in the middle of a word, such as this variant on the word "houses": hO27usEs!

Leaving Your Full Birth Date in Your Profile
It's an ideal target for identity thieves, who could use it to obtain more information about you and potentially gain access to your bank or credit card account. If you've already entered a birth date, go to your profile page and click on the Info tab, then on Edit Information. Under the Basic Information section, choose to show only the month and day or no birthday at all.
Overlooking Useful Privacy Controls
For almost everything in your Facebook profile, you can limit access to only your friends, friends of friends, or yourself. Restrict access to photos, birth date, religious views, and family information, among other things. You can give only certain people or groups access to items such as photos, or block particular people from seeing them. Consider leaving out contact info, such as phone number and address, since you probably don't want anyone to have access to that information anyway.
Posting Your Child's Name in a Caption
Don't use a child's name in photo tags or captions. If someone else does, delete it by clicking on Remove Tag. If your child isn't on Facebook and someone includes his or her name in a caption, ask that person to remove the name.
Mentioning That You'll Be Away From Home
That's like putting a "no one's home" sign on your door. Wait until you get home to tell everyone how awesome your vacation was and be vague about the date of any trip.
Letting Search Engines Find You
To help prevent strangers from accessing your page, go to the Search section of Facebook's privacy controls and select Only Friends for Facebook search results. Be sure the box for public search results isn't checked.
Permitting Youngsters to Use Facebook Unsupervised
Facebook limits its members to ages 13 and over, but children younger than that do use it. If you have a young child or teenager on Facebook, the best way to provide oversight is to become one of their online friends. Use your e-mail address as the contact for their account so that you receive their notifications and monitor their activities. "What they think is nothing can actually be pretty serious," says Charles Pavelites, a supervisory special agent at the Internet Crime Complaint Center. For example, a child who posts the comment "Mom will be home soon, I need to do the dishes" every day at the same time is revealing too much about the parents' regular comings and goings.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

i want this

bicycle moto cross

I wish I could do that! When I was young may be 9 years old,  I had a red bmx with the coastal break, which the freewheel will do the break if we roll it backward. Really cool at that time,I just love do the slide breaking all the time, I had both my knee bled and still had the scar to prove it.hehe..
Then when I was 13 years old, I had another bmx, this time , I bought it bits by bits and put it together, a chrome body, with a pair of blue alloy rims, blue head set with alloy handle bar, white saddle, black crank and blue hand break.At that time, kuwahara was a so popular for a bmx brand. Mine had no brand.  I tried to do stuff with that bike, bunny hop, endo, wheelie, barhop, sailing boat but at that time, I can't do much due to no exposure and limited resources(no internet, means no youtube..hahaha). I only had a chance to read the bmx plus mag(so damn expensive-imported) when I had enough money to buy it in the town. And only one shop had it,  Rakesh's bookstore behind Hankyu jaya in Kota Bharu where I also buy the dandy and beano comics. I also can't do much of the freestyle thing due hard to find equipment such as the pegs and the gyro-rotor. I only manage to the pegs when I was in form 2(also involve the money problems), but that time there are only two bmxers in my kampung. So we only cruising in the evening and try to bunny hop stuff such as the aluminum can and plank.hehe..
Then, I saw a plastic with four little wheels attached on it in one of the supermarket in kota bharu. I knew right away that I wanted it. I managed to save some money and bought the small skateboard and it was plastic and pink! and the rest is history. (Skateboard story another time.)
As for the bmx, I used it as the transport to go to school, Sekolah menengah Jalan Bayam(at that time, now change to Sekolah Ahmad Maher), I think it was the whole year when I was in form 2.
Just imagine what if I had the right bmx for street at that time! I wish!
 I'll try to look for my old bmx photos.
BMX rules!
also influenced by movie, ET, bmx bandits, karate kids and a malay movie "bujang senang",karate kids wannabe.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

badminton-thomas 2010

Just watched the game, Hafiz Hashim saved the day!

Monday, May 10, 2010

cheap cleaning

1. Deodorize the sink: Pour 1 cup baking soda, followed by 1 cup hot vinegar, down the drain. Let sit for at least 5 minutes, then rinse with hot water.
2. Deodorize the garbage disposal: Make ice cubes out of vinegar. Run the disposal with a few vinegar ice cubes and cold water.
3. Clean countertops: Wipe down surfaces with a rag dipped in vinegar.
4. Clean the fridge: Use a mixture of half water, half vinegar to wipe down the interior shelves and walls.
5. Remove soap build-up and odors from the dishwasher: Once a month, pour 1 cup of vinegar into an empty dishwasher and run the machine through its entire cycle.
6. Bust oven grease: If you’ve got grease spots on the oven door, pour some vinegar directly on the stains, let it sit for 15 minutes, and wipe away with a sponge.
7. To make old glassware sparkle: To get rid of the cloudy effect, wrap a vinegar-soaked towel around the glass and let it sit. Remove and rinse with hot water.
8. Get rid of lime deposits on your tea kettle: Fill the kettle with vinegar and let it boil. Allow it to cool, and rinse with water.
9. Remove stains in coffee cups: Create a paste using of equal parts vinegar and salt (or in lieu of salt, baking soda) and scrub gently before rinsing.
10. Treat Tupperware stains (and stinkiness): Wipe the containers with a vinegar-saturated cloth.
11. Remove stains on aluminum pots: Boil 1 cup vinegar and 1 cup water.
12. Deter ant infestations: Spray outside doorways and windowsills, and anywhere you see a trail of critters.
13. Clean can openers: Scrub the wheel of your can opener with vinegar using an old toothbrush.
14. Remove stickers or labels: Cover the sticker with a vinegar-soaked cloth. Let it sit overnight—it should slide right off by morning.
15. Shine porcelain sinks: A bit of vinegar and a good scrub should leave them sparkling.
16. Clean grout: Pour on some vinegar, let it hang out for a few minutes, and buff with an old toothbrush.
17. Clean the shower door: Spray them down with vinegar pre-shower, or post (after you’ve squeegeed the glass) to remove hard water deposits.
18. Clean a grimy showerhead: To get rid of scum, fill a Ziploc with ½ a cup of baking soda and 1 cup vinegar and tie it around the showerhead. Let it sit for an hour, until the bubbling has stopped. Remove the bag and run the shower.
19. Make a toilet sparkle: Pour in a cup or two of vinegar and let it sit there overnight before scrubbing with a toilet brush.
20. Polish linoleum floors: Add 1 cup of vinegar for every gallon of water you use to wash the floor.
21. Clean paintbrushes: Soak paintbrushes for an hour before simmering them on the stove to remove hardened paint. Drain and rinse.
22. Clean grills: Spray vinegar on a ball of tin foil, then use it to give the grate a firm scrub.
23. Disinfect wood cutting boards: Wipe down wood boards with a wash of vinegar.
24. Clean the microwave: Fill a microwave-safe bowl with 2 cups water and ½ cup vinegar. Heat it on full power for 3-4 minutes until it comes to a boil. Keep the door closed for a few minutes longer to let the steam fill the microwave, loosening the grime. Remove the bowl (carefully!) and wipe down interior walls with a sponge.
25. Polish patent leather accessories: Give them a rub with a vinegar-soaked cloth. Buff with a dry cloth

P/S: i hate vinegar smell.

the most hard working ...

Our heart!
non-stop, 247/365 until you are dead.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

fever update

alhamdulillah, every one is free from fever. Except some coughing and body aching.
InsyaAllah it will gone, Amin.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

fever story.

Sunday,2,May 2010.
2.30 pm- I had  some shivering feeling and body aching, still manage to go to the OU to buy iffah shoes.
10.30 pm - My body temp. starting to shoot-up, 39 C, not a very good feeling.
11.00 pm - went to the local clinic- too crowded, go home had  two PCM, when to bed.

Monday, 3, May 2010.
8.00 am-feeling dizzy, went to the local clinic.Had the check-up,outcome, viral infection. The doc give me a day MC. Feeling teribble, sleep all day.
10.00 pm, Iffah's temperature start to increased,38C.
11.00 pm .Iffah vomit.

Tuesday,4,May 2010
9.00 am, bring Iffah to clinic for check-up. After that Iffah slept. Iffah said her leg and feet 'lenguh-lenguh'.
2.00 pm, bring Milin  to clinic to check-up.
              Milin also had the fever, her body start to aching, temp 38 C.
9.00 pm Iffah Temp 39C, bath.
10.00 pm Iffah Temp 40C bath and going to Az-Zahrah bangi.
11.00 pm Iffah had another bath at the hospital and some medication.went home.
1.00 am, Iffah temp going down, alhamdulillah.
btw I took EL.

Wednesday, 5, May 2010
8.00 am- My temp going down. 37C.
9.00 am- me, iffah and Milin start taking our medication. After that iffah sleep until noon.
               Milin rest the whole day, poor her. Sarah just being cute.
3.00 pm- Iffah getting better, Active as usual.
8.00 pm- Sarah temperature is 37C, her temperature up and down between 37 C and 38.5C.
               We water sponge her now and  then.
Thursday, 6, May 2010
8.00 am- Iffah is back to being cheeky Iffah. Me, no sign of  fever, only some coughing. Milin
               is still had the aching but no fever. Sarah just want to sleep on her place.
8.30 am- Me off to work, finally after 3 days of fever fighting. Alhamdulillah.
1.20pm-  Only milin left with the aching. InsyaAllah it will get better in the evening.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010 post  everyday!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The pics for the klphoto awards twenty-ten are owsem!
We didn't enter it this year, due to the technical error.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Saturday, April 17, 2010