Thursday, May 06, 2010

fever story.

Sunday,2,May 2010.
2.30 pm- I had  some shivering feeling and body aching, still manage to go to the OU to buy iffah shoes.
10.30 pm - My body temp. starting to shoot-up, 39 C, not a very good feeling.
11.00 pm - went to the local clinic- too crowded, go home had  two PCM, when to bed.

Monday, 3, May 2010.
8.00 am-feeling dizzy, went to the local clinic.Had the check-up,outcome, viral infection. The doc give me a day MC. Feeling teribble, sleep all day.
10.00 pm, Iffah's temperature start to increased,38C.
11.00 pm .Iffah vomit.

Tuesday,4,May 2010
9.00 am, bring Iffah to clinic for check-up. After that Iffah slept. Iffah said her leg and feet 'lenguh-lenguh'.
2.00 pm, bring Milin  to clinic to check-up.
              Milin also had the fever, her body start to aching, temp 38 C.
9.00 pm Iffah Temp 39C, bath.
10.00 pm Iffah Temp 40C bath and going to Az-Zahrah bangi.
11.00 pm Iffah had another bath at the hospital and some medication.went home.
1.00 am, Iffah temp going down, alhamdulillah.
btw I took EL.

Wednesday, 5, May 2010
8.00 am- My temp going down. 37C.
9.00 am- me, iffah and Milin start taking our medication. After that iffah sleep until noon.
               Milin rest the whole day, poor her. Sarah just being cute.
3.00 pm- Iffah getting better, Active as usual.
8.00 pm- Sarah temperature is 37C, her temperature up and down between 37 C and 38.5C.
               We water sponge her now and  then.
Thursday, 6, May 2010
8.00 am- Iffah is back to being cheeky Iffah. Me, no sign of  fever, only some coughing. Milin
               is still had the aching but no fever. Sarah just want to sleep on her place.
8.30 am- Me off to work, finally after 3 days of fever fighting. Alhamdulillah.
1.20pm-  Only milin left with the aching. InsyaAllah it will get better in the evening.

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