Thursday, March 26, 2009

Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon 2009-II

The Festive is like full a bloom flower to a swam of bees. In this case, the bees are the dslr photographers.The place was pack with photographers, everybody is holding theirs weapon closely and ready to shoot...

A super model of the day. Better sign up for ANTM.

The shooters been shoot.
(*check out the telephoto lens.. jealous.)


cik sidah said...

ko jeles tgk lense yg putih tgh dipegang atau yg hitam di gantung kat bahu?

beli la...ko kan mampu nak beli :)

Anonymous said...

haha.. mana nak afford Miss, rega yg putih tu dah >rm20K.
Body plak rm10K.
Gilo ko apo?
Baik aku beli kasut.haha
tapi kalu ko bg aku ok je.

cik sidah said...

soh kak millin bg la...huhu betul x kak millin? ;)