Tuesday, September 08, 2009

iffah's funny statement

1.last week, milin cooked pan-cake with banana slices on top of it. Iffah looked at it and she want milin to take all the bananas off.
Milin asked why she didn't want the bananas.
Iffah said the Mc donald didn't have it.

P/s: Iffah love to eat Mc donald pancake, actually the toy from the kids meal package.hehe...


@moi said...

ape la iffah nih...dh terpengaruh dgn McD la tuh..

Type R[e]dah said...

classic answer... macdonal tadek... wakakaka

NFIM said...

hehe... McD jadi spec.

cik sidah said...

that means the pancake's more yummy without banana...true tak iffah? hehe

iffah dady said...

Iffah ni kalu dia suka sesuatu bende, dia just nak as it is.

Type R[e]dah said...
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Type R[e]dah said...

as it is basis... :P