Friday, October 09, 2009

bye-bye little fish.

Yesterday, after work, I fetched iffah from her nursery. We went straight home, then iffah ran to her aquarium.
There a floating dead fish. Iffah quickly told me," daddy,fish didn't swim".
I checked, yes, a fish is dead. I took the dead fish and put it away.
The other, four fish remain fine. Iffah asked why the dead.
So after the CSI, I realised that the surface water was quite oily, then I remember, the nite before, Iffah stirred the water using her olive oil bottle(nowadays, she quite experimenting new things and with a tonne of questions).So there's the culprit(I guess la)

So the answer to Iffah question goes as, "the poor fish can't breath due to the dirty water". Then I asked her not put any unneeded things inside the aquarium. She seems to understand.

Then I had to clean and change the water.

Until this morning the fishes seem fine.

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