When we were undergrads in penang, we loved to go to Kassim Mustafa's Restaurant, one of the nasi kandar restaurants spread in Penang. Their special dishes are the rice with the 'gulai ' chicken with some sort of coconut sambal. It is best to taste while hot. But they serve this dishes at 2.00 am! So we had to wait for it.
At that hours, the customer usually the party people.hehe.. ..:).
So happen last friday, my old buddy from Kuching came to KL for some course. So we set-up a meet-up.We arrived at 11.20PM, party people just start to fill-up the Bars, along the Doraisamy stretch (Mojo, Atrium etc)
Only four of us can make it, Nadzli, Idris, Jan and me, we decided to eat at Kassim in Jalan Doraisamy.
The foods still scent the same and the taste still the same. The only change is the chicken size,it is very big ( biotech is godzilla), I can't even fisnished it ( I already ate nasi lemak with Milin before.hehe..). But the boys still can finished it. Welldone!
wonder why the kassim always located near the clubs?
camana plak aku tersesat masuk blog hang nih.. koya sungguh..
kedai kassim mustafa kat Bukit Jambul macam celaka.suma staff x reti nak senyum langsung.
muka ganas macam nak halau customer.
Suma staff tak menyembang ngan customer langsung.
Sepatah customer tnya ,sepatahlah jawab ngan langsung tiada reaksi wajah
Buat kerja lembab.Boleh mnyembang ngan org lain msa nak amik order.
harga dahla mahal.
Air yg selalu customer order cam teh ais tak sampai seminit dah siap sebab dah bancuh awal2.tinggal nak letak ice.mmg rsa cam minum air longkang la..
bila nak byr kat kaunter selalu orang takdak,nak kena panggil dulu .
dan yang plg ak nak mengamuk,aku kena maki .
aku makan nasi lemak bungkus beli kat luar ,order air teh ais yang x smpai sminit tu dh siap.abis makan,bungkusan nasi lemak tu aku biar la kat meja.
msa nak byr kt cashier yang nak kna pnggil dulu bru dtg dengan tak reti senyum,aku kna maki ngan sorang staff.
Dia cakap,"Heyyy...Makan tak reti nak buang." dgn nada sinis.
Wei,ak makan kt sini dgn order air yg mcm longkang tu,aku byr duit kot utk air x sampai seminit tu.
bukan dtg tempat celaka ni x byr duit pun.
staff ni leh ckp camni kat aku.memang servis ak bg negatif 9 trilion bintang.
Patut kalau nak galak customer dtang,tlong la buang.
X pandai jga hati customer.
Kedai dahla kotor
Sumpah,lepas ni ak xkan msk lg mna2 kdai Kassim Mustafa.
Bnyak lg la kdai mamak kat Penang ni yg 5 star lyn customer cam Line Clear,Zamrud.
kepada Kassim Mustafa kat BJ ,baik ttup la kdai atau fired suma staff yg mngarut ni.
Tak berpengalaman lgsung
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