Friday, December 15, 2006

Vespa Karnival

The there are tonnes of vespa/lambreatta at the Bukit Jalil on 3rd Dec 2006. Damn those piece of metals so alluring! hehe...Here some pics.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Adidas Road to Lisbon

A European Adidas commercial that features the Vespa... Actually the VESPAS! All of 'em! Most scooters ever in a commercial... more than you'd find in a Vespa commercial!
Check out for more scooter goodness!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

everybody has it,why dont you!

Assalamualikum and good afternoon.

Recently my good friend asked me to check out his blog, then I started to check out a few other blogs. Before,I just heard about this thing, didn't explored it and of course think it's kind of lame to have a blog. After a few blogs surfing,then i realised, Blog is a way to do many weird things ; a dairy for everybody to read and comment, to way to spread a propanganda, a place to share thought, a place to share pics, a bussiness place, a meeting place, a place to improve the writing skills, a shopping mall, an album, a photojournal, etc,(just wait until I surfed all the blogs) . It also a place where everybody can do whatever they want to do. Even for me. Hehehe... I even can write this with a lousy photo attached!
