Thursday, March 25, 2010


My department, MENT, had joined the football game inter departments in conjunction with   our company family day.
Yeah ! My department kick ass!
Yesterday we won 1-0 against 'I don't know the name' team.
Oh! they event don't have the same jersey!
hehe.. kewl!

free stuff

who doesn't love free stuff, is it?
people tend to do silly thing/behaviour just to get the free stuff.
go figure!

p/s: Allah give us  a lot. Alhamdulillah...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

my petak honda c70.

.... After so long not riding the motorcub to office, today I decided to ride to the office....
And suddenly it let me down....It start to slow down half way to the office...
I rode slowly, and suddenly another motorist stop by and asked what happen. I told him the problem. He said may be due to the lubricant oil and the engine was over heated. Then he offered  to push my bike to the office, then I just realized that the guy is working at the same office as me, he just at the different department.

... Today still a good day, although my cub had some problem, but there is still good people, helping others in need.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

bambino !

Last weekend, I went to KL book festival at the PWTC. Whoa! the place was packed. I just browse through all the stalls. Bought some books for Iffah. People go crazy buying all the books. Some people even brought their trolleys to carry the books.
As I browse through, I found some thing rare, a bambino t-shirt for kids. Bambino was a magazine for children produced by creative enterprise sdn.bhd. in the 80's. I remembered reading it during my childhood.
I'm so  thrilled to find the t shirt. Yeah! It's a vintage. iffah also love it!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

still skateboarding ka?

This is one of the usual Q's when I met old friends. hehe... and I answered," not so much, just for fun".
And they will said," just stop la, you too old for that".  And I'll just smile.hehe...
To me, skateboarding is just like an addiction, I just can't let it go, (eventhough I can't do all those tricks..hehe). Just cruising on the paveways or concrete waves make my heart beat faster and this feeling is different.
Flashback, some time in 90's ,Me and my skate friends in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, we were skating every day at the Padang Bank (some cemented place near the river side). Yeah, those times, It's pure fun. Every friday morning we would skate in the morning, because all the shops were closed, and we can skate along the five- foot.Ollie the stairs and everthing.Fave  meeting place was the infront the Honyi, then we will be cruising around the town until some shops opened. Then we stopped for the breakfast. Ahh! it was great!
Ok, back to  the main story that I want to tell. As we skate everyday at Padang Bank, there always some onlookers. But one fine evening, a guy in his 30's( I guessed) came by, he rode  a racing bicycle.First he sat on the bench watching us skate, then he became friendly, and asked to borrow one of our decks. We just gave him, and he just rode it,no fancy stuff. Then he do the hand stand, peh! we were stunned, that's old skool.
 After a few minutes later he left. We thought he must be studying in oversea or he was  a skateboarder way far before us....
That was just awesome...

And now, I'm the old guy who still skate! .. and I just don't care...hehe...

Hand stand: this not the guy.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

tanda munafiq adalah sukar untuk solat subuh dan isyak

Islam: the reminder for myself.

15 pintu syaitan yang ada didalam diri kita

- pintu marah

- cinta dunia

- kebodohan (keengganan menghadiri majlis ilmu)

- panjang angan-angan

- rakus

- bakhil

- suka pada pujian

- riak

- ujub (merasa kagum)

- takut dan gelisah

- buruk sangka

- memandang rendah pada orang lain

- merasa suka pada dosa

- merasa aman daripada pembalasan “ALLAH”

- putus asa daripada rahmat “ALLAH”

15 Senjata Menghalang Syaitan

- Membaca Bismillah (menjadi kunci pada perbuatan baik)

- Banyakkan berzikir

- Banyakan Beris! tigfar

- Baca “la i’ la ha illa anta subha naka inni kuntu minaz zoli min”

- Jangan tidur berseorangan

- Baca doa pagi dan petang

- Bersugi

- Melaksanakan solat jemaah

- Berwudhuk sebelum tidur

- menutup aurat

- Membaca doa masuk tandas.

- Banyak berselawat pada hati

- Bertaubat, beristighfar

- Banyakan baca Al-Quran

- Membaca surah Yassin setiap pagi

Rumah yang Tidak Dimasuki syaitan

- Rumah yang bersih

- Penghuni membaca “Bismillah” ketika memasuki rumah

- Sentiasa berzikir (ahli rumah menegakkan solat)

- Penghuninya jujur dan memenuhi janji

- Penghuninya memakan makanan yang halal (dan cara mendapatkannya halal)

- Penghuninya mengekalkan silaturahim (sentiasa mesra)

- Rumah yang penghuninya berbakti kepada Ibu Bapa